Youth Ministry

We have many things happening with our Youth, from Sunday school to mission trips, to lots of fellowship and fun. For more information, please contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Travis Fraser.

Sunday School & Youth Nights

Youth classes are for 6th - 12th grade and they meet at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings in the Youth Loft (above the Family Life Center).

On Sunday nights from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM, the youth meet to play games, fellowship together, and dive a bit deeper into what they learned of Scripture that morning.

Wednesday evenings at 6:00 PM, the youth meet during our Wesley Value meal to touch base with each other and have small group to support each other throughout the week.

Next Wednesday Meeting will begin on August 23, 2023

Youth Missions

The youth do mission trips and projects throughout the year. For more information on our missions work, please contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Travis Fraser.

Next Mission Trip: TBA

Youth Ministry Upcoming Events

  • Wednesday Night Youth Study in Youth Loft 6:00 PM (weekly during school year)

2023 Youth Sunday Services held on 5th Sundays: One Service at 11:00 AM

Pot Luck Luncheon to follow each Youth Sunday service

October 29

December 31

For more information on all events, contact our Director of Youth Ministry, Travis Fraser